Lost - I sussurri: Sun e Lapidus alle barracks degli others.

Tickybox ha postato quanto segue sul forum The Fuselage; si tratta della trascrizione dei "wishpers" che si sentono nella scena della quinta stagione in cui Sun e Lapidus incontrano Christian Shepard che mostra loro la fotografia con Jin e gli altri nella Dharma nel 1977.


We've gotta do it again without him.
Get out of the house
Tell me when he shuts the "?"
Sawyer's coming
What has he got that I'm without?
(There was another short whisper after this last line, but the music was too loud in all channels that it was indecipherable.)

Auditory breakdown:
Channel 4
Prevalent lines
"We've gotta do it again without him"
"Sawyer's coming"
"What has he got that I'm without?"

Channel 5
Prevalent lines
"Get out of the house" (Very breathy sounding whisper)
"Tell me when he shuts the ?"

I left the end of the last line open to interpretation. It was the hardest to decipher, so I'm curious as to what you guys think it is. I have my theory, but I want to hear yours first. Enjoy.

Su DarkUfo hanno commentato aggiungendo dei dettagli:

I wanted to let you know that in this clip of Sun and Lapidus... what I hear is something like "Mikhail, why don't we take the girl?" or "where do we take the cop" and then something right after that sounds like a straining voice saying "That's not me" or "That's got me" or "Cops got me" lol. I used WaveStudio by Creative to hear that from your clip (ty 4 sharing).. I can't make anything out when it gets loud right after what sounds like "That's not me".

The "That's not meee" kinda sounds like it drags out, similar to a song. Weird listening to this stuff over and over.. Kinda creepy when it's laaaate at night. lol.. Thanks so much for all the great information!!!

And I really, really, really think I hear "That's not me" or "That's got me".

The more I listen to this, it sounds like Horace (or someone with a similar voice) telling John "John, I want you to shut it off and listen to this". Take another listen and see if you hear that. It's the middle section of your channel 4. I really think he's saying that..

La vera natura di tutti i sussurri che abbiamo sentito a partire dalla prima stagione è sicuramente uno dei temi più interessanti che spero - e credo - ci verrà chiarito con la stagione finale. Intanto sono molto curiosa di conoscere le vostre teorie in proposito.
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1 commenti:

Fra_ ha detto...

Leggendo un po' queste frasi, se ho capito bene il senso, sono di personaggi che già conosciamo... A parer mio a volte sono Others, a volte losties... Ma credo che in questa stagione finalmente vedremo chi le pronuncia e soprattutto quando o meglio da quale realtà le pronuncia.