Michael Emerson e Terry O'Quinn intervistati da Entertainment Weekly.

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E queste ulteriori affermazioni vengono dalla sezione PopWatch del sito di EW.

On O’Quinn realizing last season that he wasn’t really playing John Locke anymore:

O’QUINN: There was a sort of gradual awareness, and then [with the season finale], a sort of a sad acceptance of the fact that John Locke was dead. I thought, “Well, wow, I guess I’m not playing the same person anymore. That role on Lost is over.”

On whether the new Locke is good or evil:

O’QUINN: Boy, they sure are loading it up to look as if John Locke is the devil. And then that makes me suspicious. Right? Apparently I’m playing somebody who can look like John Locke. It was easier playing this same person last year when I didn’t know who it was. Now it’s hard to not load things up and become arch, be heavy.

On playing comedic moments:
EMERSON: [to O’Quinn] Was it you that said, “On Lost, you can’t ask somebody to pass the salt without pulling a gun”?
O’QUINN: I don’t think so. Maybe it was you.

EMERSON: I want it to be you.

On shooting the pivotal scene in which Ben strangles Locke:
EMERSON: It was long, slow work that day…. It was very quiet on the set. The crew was gripped by the scene and fully supported the work in front of the camera.

O’QUINN: I remember prepping with you for the sequence. We were sitting in our chairs, going over the dialogue, but Michael has a hard time just sitting in his chair. So, pretty soon, I’m still sitting in my chair, and he’s on his knees in front of me, doing that moment where Ben begs Locke not to kill himself, and the whole time, the crew is just walking by us, not looking at us or saying a word.

On whether they’ll miss working together:
O’QUINN: I haven’t told Michael this yet, but I think about it a lot. A working relationship that is this smooth, it’s as unusual as a relationship with a loved one. At least for me. After Lost is over, I’m going to get a hold of somebody and say, “Write something for us.” I just want to keep doing this.

EMERSON: I don’t think it’s the last time we’ll be playing opposite each other.

On how much they worry about meeting fan expectations:
O’QUINN: Not as much as it worries [exec producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse] and those guys, I’m sure. What worries me is what I have control over. And that’s my performance. And if in fact the whole thing is a big laugh and it turns out badly and everything, I don’t anticipate feeling terrible about it. Because every day to me is work. And it’s given a lot already.

EMERSON: I’m also getting easier with the idea of secrets, of walking away with things unanswered, with mysteries left open. That’s all right, too.

Non ho tradotto perchè Gino e Pinotto sono molto simpatici ma non ci rivelano nulla della stagione in arrivo. Chi avesse bisogno della traduzione non esiti a chiederla.

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