The Vampire Diaries: arrivano due nuovi personaggi.

Dal nono episodio il cast di The Vampire Diaries si amplierà, facendo spazio a due nuovi attori che dovrebbero essere regular.
Di seguito due brevi descrizioni dei loro personaggi.



Luka, 17, African American: He’s a new kid at school and Alaric asks Bonnie and Jeremy to show him around. Luka asks Bonnie about the Bennet name and whether she knows about the Salem witches. Later Jeremy gives him a tour of the school, Jeremy says that Sheila (!!! Sheila mention!!!) taught a class on witches at the university and that Jeremy’s dad followed her work, was a believer and wrote his dissertation on witches. Jeremy says Bonnie is not like that, Luka says she’s cute.

Joanes, 38, Luka’s dad: Alaric runs into Luka and Joanes at the Mystic Grill. Luka and his dad get along very well. Joanes notes that he and Alaric have a lot in common (history lovers) and they have a beer together. Jenna is there with Alaric. In a different scene Joanes reprimands Luka for telling “her” too much about himself. Luka says that she would have figured it out anyway.

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